We’ve all got this one life, let’s try and make it the best we can. Not because we want to impress anyone or we’ve got anything to prove, but because each one of us is unique and we’re yet to unlock the true potential of our individuality.
We often compare ourselves with the people around us. They have this, they have that, they are gifted, they are privileged. Well, maybe they are, maybe they aren’t.
Perhaps they toiled tirelessly behind the scenes to reach where they are right now, or maybe the Karma of their previous life has redeemed itself – we may never know.
And does it really matter? What good will it bring to fixate on other people’s accomplishments and circumstances? How are we going to benefit from what’s the deal with them?
I guess we all realize that, but we’re still affected by the people around us and their success or stature.
Well, we shouldn’t be! It’s such an unproductive attitude and it consumes so much of our energy which we can utilize in becoming the BEST VERSION OF OURSELVES. There are things that we can control and there are things that we can’t.
So why bother about something that we can’t control, rather channel that energy into doing something that you can actually control.
This blog isn’t about painting an unrealistic picture of perpetual happiness and constant success. It’s about guiding you to become the best version of yourself, even when life throws its challenges your way.
So, let’s discover how to shine even in the toughest times and rise above the obstacles that life might present.
Table of Contents
Misconceptions About Becoming the Best Version of Yourself
Sometimes, it can be a bit much, especially with everyone looking perfect on social media. So let’s understand what it doesn’t mean to be the best version of yourself.
1. You Don’t Have to Be Perfect
Becoming the best version of yourself doesn’t mean you become perfect because, well, nobody’s perfect, and that’s okay. We’re all humans and we’re bound to make mistakes.
Making mistakes is a natural part of life and that’s how we learn and grow. Those times when we stumble, fall, and get back up are the moments that shape us into stronger, wiser individuals.
So, instead of feeling down when things don’t go perfectly, remember that every stumble is a chance to learn and become stronger.
2. It’s Not About Comparing Yourself with Others
It’s easy to get influenced by looking at what others are doing, especially on social media. That’s understandable because it is basic human nature to compare with others around us.
But comparing yourself to others is not fair and it can stop us from doing our best. We’re all unique, with our own mix of qualities, talents, and life paths.
Trying to be just like someone else can stop us from being our own amazing selves. It’s okay to get ideas from others who work hard but remember, your life is your own. Your dreams are special, and they should be what you really want.
So, get inspired, but make your own way – the way that fits the real you.
3. It’s Not About Pleasing Others
Becoming the best version of yourself doesn’t mean doing things just to make others happy. It’s not about trying to get people to like you. Real improvement happens when you do things that match what you believe in.
Are You the Best Version of Yourself?
If you want to reach somewhere, the first thing is that you should have a clear understanding of where you stand right now.
Just like checking a map before a trip, it’s good to figure out where you are now. Think about this: “Am I doing what I really want in life? Am I moving towards my dreams?”
Asking yourself these questions helps you begin on the right foot.
Remember when you were a kid? You had big dreams about how you’d be when you grew up – the person you’d become, where you’d live, the car you’d drive, and the special someone you’d be with. Those dreams gave you a picture of your best self.
As time goes by, life gets busy and those dreams can fade. Responsibilities and challenges can make you forget about the person you want to be. It’s like those dreams got lost in the busy days.
But here’s something important: you can find those dreams again. Take a moment to imagine your best self – the person you really want to be.
When you have this picture in your mind, you know what you’re aiming for. It’s like having a target to reach for. This goal can be really motivating and help you become that awesome version of yourself again.
This journey is like a road trip. You’re starting from where you are now and heading toward the person you want to be.
It’s not a race; it’s a steady walk toward being the best you can be. It’s okay to not be perfect – what matters is that you’re trying to get better.
And remember, comparing yourself to others doesn’t help. You’re unique, and your journey is yours alone.
So, stop for a moment, think about your best self, and let that guide you. Imagine how great it will feel to live the life you’ve dreamed of.
This journey is about growing, learning, and liking yourself more and more. It’s not just a goal; it’s a lifelong adventure toward being your best self.
What is Stopping You from Being the Best Version of Yourself?
The human mind is an extraordinary organ that is always on the lookout for anything that could harm us. It wants us to stay safe and sound. This is great, but sometimes it keeps us from trying new things.
It wants us to stay where things are familiar and easy – that’s our “comfort zone.” It’s like a cozy spot where we feel comfy. But it’s also the most dangerous place to be as that is where the dreams die.
It is the place where we don’t take risks, don’t push or challenge ourselves, and often settle for less.
Think about it – why haven’t you done something you really wanted to? Most times, it’s because you didn’t go that extra step. You didn’t want to leave your comfort zone, the place that feels safe.
If you look at yourself from a bird’s eye view, you’ll realize that the only person stopping you from being the best version of yourself is… well, yourself.
It’s your fear of leaving that comfort zone. You were not willing to push yourself outside of your comfort zone to put in the extra effort required.
We don’t like to get up early because being in bed feels so cozy and that extra hour of sleep feels so fulfilling. Watching Netflix is so much more fun than watching tutorial videos.
Playstation is much more comforting than learning a new sport or working out in the gym.
But growth happens when you step outside that zone. It’s like trying a new game instead of playing the same old one. It might feel strange at first, but that’s where the magic happens.
This doesn’t mean changing everything at once. It’s about taking small steps. Trying something new, even if it feels a bit scary, is how you grow.
Your comfort zone might feel cozy, like a warm blanket. But it’s also where dreams can stay hidden. If you want to be your best self, it’s time to take a step outside that zone.
It might not be super easy, but with each step, you’ll see yourself getting closer to the person you’ve always wanted to be. You’re not just staying in your comfort zone – you’re breaking free and becoming the best version of yourself.
What Does It Take to Be the Best Version of Yourself?
Now that you’ve realized that the only thing standing between you and your full potential is you, it’s time to figure out what it takes to achieve it.
Starting might feel overwhelming, like standing at the base of a mountain unsure of how to climb it. But the answer isn’t complicated at all!
To become the best version of yourself, start by doing all the things you dream of. Yes, it’s as simple as that. But let’s break it down even more.
First, take a moment to imagine what you’d like your life to look like a few weeks or months down the road. Picture yourself as that amazing version you aspire to be.
Got that image in your mind? Great! Now work backwards from that future image to create a step-by-step plan, and stay consistent.
Imagine you want to learn to play a musical instrument. Start by envisioning yourself playing beautifully in a few months. Now, plan out the steps you need to get there.
Maybe it’s finding lessons, practicing regularly, and tracking your progress. These small steps are like your roadmap to success.
Now, here’s a super important tip: don’t aim too high initially.
Setting huge goals right from the start can be like trying to eat a giant pizza in one bite – it’s just not practical! Instead, break it down into smaller, more manageable slices. Taking things one step at a time is the secret sauce to not feeling overwhelmed and giving up.
Remember, the journey to your best self is not a race. It’s a gradual process, like building a puzzle piece by piece. Each step you take, no matter how tiny, gets you closer to the big picture.
And you know what? The process itself can be enjoyable and satisfying. Think of it like a road trip, where you make exciting stops for adventures and personal growth.
As you acquire new skills and experiences, make sure to savor the journey by exploring different opportunities and stepping beyond your comfort zone.
So, let go of the pressure to be perfect right away. Allow yourself the freedom to grow at your own pace. And always, always enjoy the process. After all, this is about becoming the best version of yourself while savoring every step of the way.
5 Powerful Ways to Be the Best Version of Yourself
Becoming the best version of yourself isn’t just about one thing. It’s not only about doing well at work or looking good. It requires a holistic approach and it is about being the best in every dimension of your existence.
Being the best you in everything you do – from how you grow as a person to how you get along with others, from staying healthy to reaching your goals.
To make this happen, you need to look at different areas of your life. Each part is like a puzzle piece that helps you become your best. Let’s explore these areas and see how they fit together to make you the best you can be – in every way.
1. Seeing the Bright Side: Having a Positive Mindset
It all starts with a positive mindset. Life is a mix of good and not-so-good experiences, moments, people, and situations. It’s like finding sunny spots and shadows everywhere you go. But the important thing to understand is that to achieve great things, you need to focus on the sunny side of life.
Now, you might be wondering, “How does this help me in becoming the best version of myself?”
Well, when you want to achieve something or make a change in your life, it all begins with a simple thought and a mindset that says, “I can and will do this.” And that’s where a positive outlook comes in.
Having a positive mindset doesn’t just make you feel better; it’s a game-changer. When you approach life with a positive perspective, you naturally focus on the brighter side of things.
You see opportunities instead of obstacles. This mindset can be a driving force in your journey to being your best self.
But if you start with doubts, it’s like blocking your own path. Doubts are like questions in your head: “Can I really do this?” “What if I can’t keep going?” Negative thoughts can make everything harder.
If you have a positive mindset, you’ll manifest the right circumstances for you to achieve your goals.
It’s like telling the universe, “Hey, this is what I want!” When you truly believe in your goals and hold a positive vision, the universe listens. It starts aligning circumstances that can help you get there.
But when you doubt, you’re sending mixed signals. It’s like saying, “I want this, but maybe not really.” And the universe picks up on those mixed signals too.
So, if you want to pave the road to success, start with a positive mindset. Believe in your goals, trust in your abilities, and let go of those doubts.
Remember, a positive outlook isn’t just about feeling good; it’s about opening doors to your best self. With positivity, you’re setting the stage for your journey to be a successful one.
2. Health is Wealth
You’ve probably heard the saying, “Health is wealth,” many times, but we still don’t really fathom the true meaning of this phrase.
Think about a long time ago – our ancestors were like explorers, always searching for food to eat.
Our story as a society started thousands of years ago, with big changes like the start of farming and factories.
Now, we’re in a digital age where so much of what we do is online, even our work. We’re confined to the warmth of our homes and the comfort of our couches.
Our body is the most advanced piece of engineering on this planet yet we don’t really comprehend its importance. We take it for granted.
The truth is, we’re not built to just sit and eat, and that’s the underlying reason for most health issues.
Being healthy is not just about physical well-being but also emotional and mental wellness. Being healthy means taking care of all the dimensions of our existence.
In the digital era we’re currently living in, most of our time is spent in front of screens and it can have a very negative impact on our mental health.
We spend most of our time indoors scrolling through social media which can make us feel lonely, isolated, and anxious.
So, taking care of our mental health is as important as caring for our physical health, and maybe even more in the times we’re currently living in where we’re seeing a significant rise in mental health problems.
Being healthy doesn’t mean you have to look like a superhero. Having a strong body is a choice, but having a healthy body is really important.
Being healthy involves a balanced lifestyle where you get enough sleep, eat good food, meditate, practice self-care, and do some physical activity every day.
Sometimes, we forget these important things. We eat too much of the wrong stuff, spend most of our time indoors and in front of screens, and don’t move around enough.
God has given us enough cushion to shift the balance a little but we’ve completely tipped the scale by ignoring physical activity, by consuming high carbohydrates, fried and sugary food.
“If we don’t find time for wellness then we’ll have to make time for illness.”
So our goal should be to lead a balanced lifestyle where we consume well-balanced food with required macro and micronutrients, do some form of physical activity for 45-60 mins daily, meditate, and get enough sleep for this body to recover and function well.
Remember, only you get to decide what being your best self looks like. When you look in the mirror, are you happy with what you see?
No? Then it’s time to figure out what you want, make a plan, and start making changes.
Maybe you want to lose some weight – there are plans to help with that. Or maybe you want muscles that show even when you’re wearing clothes – there are plans for that too.
You’re the boss of how you want to look and feel. Start with small steps, and each day will get a bit easier.
So, whether you’re on a journey to a healthier weight or stronger muscles, it’s your choice. Picture your best self, set your goals, and start moving towards them. You’re on your way to feeling your absolute best!
3. Do What You Like and Be Good at What You Do
Some of us have strict parents who choose the path forward for us. Some of us have parents who gave us the freedom to explore what we want to do in life on our own.
Some of us are studying to get a degree that we’re not interested in and might not be useful for us in the future, and some of us are stuck in a job that we don’t even like to do.
Life is not perfect for most of us. But that’s life, we face it as and how it comes.
We live in a world full of opportunities and the advancements in technology have opened new avenues of opportunities for us.
We have enough tools at our disposal to learn anything from threading a needle to making a rocket. So either we can crib about our jobs or our career or we can actually do something about it.
We might not be doing our dream job or living our dream life right now but we can use it as a stepping stone to get to something we actually want to do in life.
Whatever it is that you like, start learning or doing it small but do it consistently. Do it every day.
Maybe it’s building a better physique, changing careers, learning to draw, dancing, singing, or cooking – anything you want to do!!!
Start today!
Do it because you want to, not just to show off. Put your heart into it.
Remember, you don’t need to be a star right away. The idea is to have fun and get better over time.
So, whether you’re dancing, writing, or learning to code, start now and keep improving. Your love for what you do will push you to get really good at it and become your best self.
4. Present Your Best Self
“First impressions matter.” That’s true – how you show yourself to others matters.
But it’s not just about looks; it’s also about how you feel inside. Let’s talk about why taking care of yourself, how you look, and feeling confident all come together to help you be the best you.
Think about when you’re clean and tidy – you feel better, right? That’s why basic grooming matters.
Taking showers, brushing your teeth, and keeping your hair and nails neat isn’t just about looking nice. It’s about feeling good, feeling comfy with yourself.
Ever noticed how wearing something nice can make you feel good? It’s not about fancy clothes – it’s about showing you care about yourself.
Ironing your clothes and keeping your shoes clean might seem small, but they make a difference.
Smells matter too. A nice scent can make people think positively about you. Using a bit of perfume or deodorant can be nice. But don’t use too much – just a little is good.
But the most important thing is confidence. When you take care of yourself, you feel better.
And when you feel better, you’re more confident. Imagine feeling well-dressed, smelling good, and looking tidy – that feeling helps you be more confident in front of others.
Remember, you don’t have to be perfect. Taking care of yourself shows you respect yourself and others. It also boosts your confidence, so you’re comfortable in your own skin.
So, try to make taking care of yourself a regular thing. When you feel and look good, your confidence grows. And that’s a big step to becoming your best self.
5. Stay Informed and Expand Your Knowledge
We come across people around us, maybe at school or at work who can talk about almost everything.
They know what’s the latest in technology, what’s going around in the finance world, who’s winning the most titles in a particular sport, and who’s running for President or Prime Minister. Everything!
And as you’re reading this, you’ve immediately recalled who’s that person around you. And we sometimes think, how does this person know all this?
Well, that’s because they keep themselves updated with the latest going around them. They read news, and blogs, and watch videos about what’s happening in the world.
They follow popular people from different fields. That’s how they get the content.
So if you want to have a similar quality in yourself, start doing the same things.
Subscribe to some blogs and pages from where you can get the latest updates on topics like politics, finance, general news, technology, etc. And make friends with books – they’re like treasure chests of learning. Doing both will make you someone who knows things and loves to learn.
This will provide you with enough content to talk to anyone confidently.
Wrapping Up – How To Become Your Best Self
You might be thinking, “This all sounds great, but my life isn’t exactly perfect right now. I’m facing challenges at home or dealing with some tough times.” I get that – life can be tricky. But even in the toughest situations, you can find a way to make things better.
Don’t stress about reaching the finish line right away. Instead, focus on what you can start today, even if it’s just a small step. Slow progress is okay – it’s way better than not moving at all.
So, don’t wait around. Take that first step, no matter how tiny. And believe me, good things will come. Just keep at it, even when it’s hard. Each small effort adds up and gets you closer to your goal.
Remember, nobody’s perfect. But if you keep going, day by day, you’ll get closer to being the best version of yourself. It’s about sticking to your journey, embracing the process, and taking care of yourself.
Stay true to who you are and take care of yourself along the way. Keep going on this journey, and you’ll be surprised at how much you can achieve. Here’s to you, your journey, and becoming the amazing person you’re meant to be. Namaste!
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