Have you ever wished for something so deeply that it felt like the universe conspired to make it happen?
Consciously or subconsciously we’ve been manifesting our desires since childhood, we just didn’t realize that we are practicing a very powerful technique called manifestation.
Remember those heartfelt wishes for something special, the ones we hoped for with all our hearts? Remarkably, many of those wishes found their way into our lives.
Even visionaries like Jim Carrey, the comedic genius turned Hollywood superstar, and Oprah Winfrey, the media titan who reshaped the landscape of talk shows, attribute their extraordinary success to the art of manifestation.
But what exactly is manifestation and does it really work? You should read our previous blog to understand about manifestation and how it actually works.
The two most simple and powerful techniques that help in manifesting our dream lives are journaling and creating a vision board.
This blog will guide you on the techniques of creating a vision board and why is it necessary. We’ll explore how you can use this simple tool to manifest your dream life.
So let’s dive right in and understand what is a vision board, how you can make one, and why is it so important for manifestation.

Table of Contents
What is a Vision Board for Manifestation?
If you’ve seen the movie or read the book The Secret, then you probably already know what is a vision board and why it is such a powerful tool for manifesting anything in life.
This idea isn’t new, it goes way back to ancient times when people, like the ancient Egyptians, believed that what they thought and wished for could shape their lives.
They even used hieroglyphs and symbols to express their desires and goals, thinking that inscribing their wishes would help manifest them in their lives.
These are some of the first examples of vision boards but in more recent history, however, vision boards became popular during the late 19th century with the rise of the New Thought movement.
This movement emphasized the power of positive thinking and the Law of Attraction and focused on the idea that if you think positively and feel good about what you want, it can bring similar experiences into your life.
A vision board is a personally curated board that contains everything that you have wished for to create your dream life or anything that you want to manifest for yourself. It’s like a visual map of your dreams.
It can be a collection of images about the things you want to manifest, some powerful quotes, and positive affirmations.
What makes it super special is that it’s unique to you. Everyone wants different things in life, so no two vision boards are exactly the same.
Why Do You Need a Vision Board for Manifestation?
Take a moment and think about what makes us humans truly unique in this world.
It’s our incredible ability to imagine, plan, and shape our future. Unlike animals, birds, or insects, we humans have the remarkable gift of envisioning who we want to become and what we want for ourselves.
While other creatures focus mainly on daily survival activities like eating, sleeping, and reproducing, we have the capacity to dream, set goals, and have a vision for ourselves. It is a superpower that only we humans are blessed with.
So it’s extremely important for all of us to have a vision for ourselves. Otherwise, we’ll be just wandering aimlessly without a destination in mind. We should use this unique superpower to have a vision that gives us direction and purpose.
But you might be wondering why I need a vision board. I can have all the dreams and goals in my head. Let’s find out why.
To Program Your Subconscious Mind
Well, if I had to answer this in a single sentence, I would say that a vision board is required to program your subconscious mind. As we’ve discussed in this blog, our minds in not one but two different entities.
One aspect of it is our conscious mind and the other one is the subconscious mind. It is a proven fact that our subconscious mind is much more powerful than the conscious mind.
As we’ve discussed in this blog, we’re all connected to this universe and the universe answers to our desires and goals, but the catch is that we have to be very specific and clear about what we want.
Otherwise, we will be sending vague signals that the universe will not be able to understand. The universe only understands and responds to the things that we are absolutely certain about without a strand of doubt.
So when you create a vision board, you add very specific things to it that help you create a clear map of your goals. You’re expressing your desires to the universe in a tangible way.
And every time you look at your vision board, you’re sending a strong message to your subconscious mind about the things that you really want in life. That’s how you trigger the law of attraction.
When you see the vision board regularly, your subconscious mind starts believing that this is your new reality, and it automatically enables you to do things that will help you get there.
To Say Focused
The other reason for creating a vision board is to stay focused. There are so many things going on in our everyday lives that we lose sight of what we truly want.
We juggle between work, everyday chores, personal life, and social commitments that we often tend to forget about what truly matters to us.
When you create a vision board and see it every day, it is a constant reminder of your goals and dreams. It motivates you to work in the direction that will actually help you achieve them.
It will motivate you and boost your confidence. Soon you will start believing that achieving these goals is actually possible because you’re constantly reinforcing the idea in your mind. You will stay committed and focused.
How Does a Vision Board for Manifestation Work?
Have you ever heard about something called the “red car theory“?
Think back to the last time you went outside, whether it was to work, the grocery store, or a park. Did you happen to notice any red cars along the way?
Chances are, you might not have paid much attention to them. You might be thinking “I don’t remember seeing any red cars.”
But there were probably plenty of red cars around you. They might have driven past you or been parked nearby, but you didn’t really notice. Why? Because you weren’t actively looking for them.
Your mind was focused on other things, like some work thing, some personal issues, social media, or getting to your destination.
Imagine if I asked you to go outside again, but this time, I want you to spot as many red cars as you can. What do you think would happen?
You’d likely be amazed to find that there are actually quite a few red cars around when you consciously keep an eye out for them.
Similar is the case in life, just like those red cars that were there all along but went unnoticed, there are countless opportunities and possibilities around us.
They might be right in front of us, waiting to be discovered. But if we’re not consciously looking for them, we might completely overlook them or miss out.
But when you create a vision board, you create a colorful map showing the things you really want for yourself. When you look at it every day, your mind starts paying attention.
You start noticing the opportunities related to your dreams. And as you keep looking at your vision board and act on these opportunities, you get closer to your dreams.
Physical or Digital Vision Boards for Manifestation?
You might ask whether you should create a physical vision board or a digital one. Well, that’s a personal choice, to be honest, and each has its own advantages.
Let’s take a closer look at both options so that you can decide which one aligns better with your preferences.
Physical Vision Board for Manifestation
A physical vision board offers a more tangible and hands-on experience and the process of cutting out images, arranging them on a board, and gluing them down can be quite therapeutic.
When you physically create a vision board, you connect with your goals and dreams on a tactile level which makes them feel more real. And this whole process of creating a physical vision board is very creative and enjoyable.
Another advantage is that you can place it in a prominent location like your bedroom or your workspace where it is hard to ignore and you will see it every day. This will keep your goals front and center in your mind and motivate you to take action.
Digital Vision Board for Manifestation
Digital vision boards are better in terms of flexibility and convenience. There are various apps and software available that you can use.
Most of them also have a vast database of images and quotes so you can find the images that are unique to your preferences.
The other advantage is that you can access them across devices and from anywhere. So if you create a vision board on your laptop, you can access it on your phone or tablet as well.
Maybe you can even use it as a wallpaper or a screensaver so that you see it more often.
Ultimately, it boils down to your personal preferences and lifestyle. Some people prefer hands-on experience while others appreciate the convenience and flexibility of a digital version.
So you can go with whatever resonates with you the most.
How To Make A Vision Board to Manifest Your Dream Life?
Now that we understand why vision boards are so important and how they can help us make our dreams come true, let’s talk about how to create one and what to keep in mind while creating a vision board that actually manifests.
1. The Right Mindset
The first and foremost thing you need is to have the right mindset where you believe anything is possible. Remember, the whole idea behind the manifestation concept is based on what you truly believe.
It’s about thinking that your dreams have already come true, even before they actually do.
Don’t create a vision board if you are sad, upset, or in a bad mood. These negative emotions can affect your energy and create doubt in your mind about whether you’re wishing for can actually come true or not.
Manifestation is all about believing that anything can happen and that what you desire will come true without having any doubt about it.
2. Connect with Your Inner Desires
Once you’re in a positive mindset, the next thing you need to do is sit in a quiet place and ask yourself what is it that you truly want.
A vision board should only have things you truly want for yourself, it’s not about what others might want for you or expect from you.
It’s a reflection of your own dreams and aspirations. Don’t let the society or any other external factors influence you.
The other thing is that you will have to be authentic and honest with yourself. If you’re not a fan of fancy or luxury cars, you don’t have to put one on your board just because it looks cool or others might expect it.
So take some time to connect with your true self, and think about becoming the best version of yourself and the things you want for yourself.
3. Select The Right Photos
Now that you know what you truly want for yourself, it’s time you find the right photos that represent exactly what you want.
For example, if buying a new house is one of your dreams, then find photos that show the house that is unique to your liking. It shouldn’t be any house that you can find on the internet or in magazines.
Detail it out by adding more pictures around it. You can add photos of the type of pool you want in that house, the kind of garden it will have, the study room, how you want the kitchen to be, etc.
The more details the better as they will help you trigger a strong emotion that all this is going to be yours one day.
You may or may not be able to find exact photos of your dream house as each of us has a unique taste, but you can still find photos that are close enough.
So choose photos that resemble the most with your dreams and trigger the right emotions.
4. Assemble
Finally, it’s time to bring everything together and create your vision board. As we discussed earlier, you have the choice between a physical or digital vision board.
So, if you’re going for a physical vision board, you’ll need a few simple items:
- An art canvas or a bulletin board
- Glue or pins depending on the type of board you’ve selected
- Colored markers
- Images
- Scissors
Once you have all these things ready, it’s time to start pasting those images on your board. Keep the image of the house in the center and paste the related images like the photo of the pool, the kitchen, the study, etc around it.
It will help you create an exhaustive image in your mind.
If it’s a new car you want, find photos of that car from different angles, maybe even some interior shots, and paste them together. You get the point, right?
You don’t want to make your vision board look cluttered because the main purpose of this vision board is to train your subconscious mind and send clear signals about your dreams.
Instead, have enough space between the images so that everything looks nice and clean.
If it’s a digital vision board you want to go for, you can use applications like a simple Google document, Canva, or even Microsoft Paint.
These applications will provide you with a blank canvas that you can use just like you create a physical vision board.
You can use Pinterest boards or Instagram to save the images as well but you won’t be able to organize them like you can do on a canvas. And you won’t be able to add quotes around those images.
The Placement of a Vision Board
Now comes the most important part of creating a vision board, its placement as it can greatly influence the effectiveness in helping you manifest your dreams.
If you created a physical vision board, it should be placed somewhere you can see it throughout the day.
Our minds are incredibly receptive to visual cues. When you regularly see your vision board, even if it’s just for a few moments, it sends powerful messages to your subconscious mind. It’s like a gentle nudge that reminds you of your dreams and goals.
We all have our fair share of bad days. Sometimes we lack the motivation to do anything, maybe because of a bad day at work or due to some personal reasons.
So looking at the vision board can be a reminder that the grind of today will all be worth it one day when all your goals are met.
The hard work you’re putting in today is an investment in your future success. It will serve as a tangible reminder that your dreams are within reach and all your efforts will pay off.
And every time you look at it, you will feel motivated and determined.
Wrapping Up!
As we come to the end of our journey exploring vision boards and manifestation, always remember that your dreams are closer than you think.
Manifestation is real and creating a vision board is one of the most powerful tools to help you manifest those dreams.
In the grand canvas of life, you are the artist, and your vision board is your palette of dreams. Each image, each word, is a stroke of inspiration, a declaration of your goals. With persistence, dedication, and unwavering belief, you can bring your dreams to life.
So, pick up that brush, paint your tomorrow, and watch as your vision becomes your reality. Your journey of manifestation begins now, and the possibilities are boundless.
The real power lies in truly believing that your dreams are just a few days from reality. So visualize and live them as if they are already a part of your reality.
Send strong and positive signals to the universe that you truly want and deserve your dreams. Read our previous blog on manifestation to know more. Namaste!
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