All the historical monuments we see around us, all the large and complex infrastructure, bridges and tunnels connecting landmasses, airplanes flying in the sky, massive boats cruising through the water bodies, huge dams that can power large cities or even the entire country with enough power.
All that’s created by us as human beings was first thought of and created in our minds and then it got manifested in the outside world.
Whatever good we’ve done as human beings, and whatever bad we’ve done first found its expression in our minds. And then we manifested that in the outside world.
The Taj Mahal is one of the seven wonders of the world and remains one of the greatest engineering feats of all time even today.
The stones used in its construction, the craftsmanship displayed on its walls, the intricate design – all of these were once just a simple thought in Shah Jahan’s head.
Whether it’s the Eiffel Tower, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Sydney Opera House, the Great Wall of China, or the Burj Khalifa, everything man-made in the world was first conceived and planned by humans and then manifested in the outside world.
On the other hand, we’ve seen some people manifest evil ideas such as the 9/11 attack, the attack on the Indian Parliament in 2001, the 2004 Madrid train bombings, the 2005 bombings in London, and many more.
In this world, humans have planned and manifested some beautiful things, as well as some horrific ones. All this goes to show that whatever we want to do is possible if we put our heart and soul into it.
Our mind is the most powerful tool in the known universe and it can shape our reality. When you think about something with strong intentions, it’s like giving clear instructions to the universe. Your mind becomes a magnet, pulling in the things you want.
This doesn’t mean you can just sit back and daydream – you still need to take action – but your focused thoughts set the stage for success.
Think about it this way: Have you ever practiced really hard for a game or a test and felt confident you would do well? Positive thinking and believing in yourself played a big role in your success, right? Manifestation works in a similar way, but it’s like using that power in all areas of your life.
Let’s dive deeper into what is manifestation and how you can use manifestation to create a life filled with the things you’ve always wanted.
Table of Contents
What is Manifestation?
If you were explaining manifestation to a 10-year-old, you’d say that it’s like making your wishes come true. Imagine it as if you’re whispering your heart’s desires to the universe, and it’s listening carefully, ready to make things happen for you.
What this really means is that whatever you focus your thoughts and dreams on can become a reality if you truly believe in it. It’s like planting a magical seed in your mind that, with care and attention, can grow into the most extraordinary flowers.
If you’ve read the book “The Secret”, you might know about the ‘Law of Attraction.’ This idea suggests that positive thinking about something brings positive outcomes whereas negative thinking brings negative results in all areas of life. This ‘Law of Attraction’ is a big part of how manifestation works.
You might be wondering but how is this possible? And is it even for real? Let’s take a trip back in time to understand things better. After the Big Bang, the event that is believed to be the birth of our universe, only two elements were created as a result, hydrogen and helium.
As time flowed by in millions and billions of years, these basic elements combined and transformed, giving birth to the amazing diversity we see today.
And here’s the beautiful part – everything, from the stars that twinkle in the night sky to every living being on Earth, shares a common origin. We’re all made of stardust, born from the same cosmic recipe. It’s like we’re interconnected threads in the grand tapestry of the universe.
Now, when we wish for something, the universe might not answer right away, but it pays attention. It’s a bit like sending a letter into space. Depending on how strong your wish is, the universe starts working in its own mysterious way to make it come true.
Just like how it took a while for everything in the universe to form after the Big Bang, your wishes might need some time to shape up, too. But remember, there’s a connection between what you desire and how the universe responds, kind of like a secret conversation happening between you and the cosmos.
But there’s a catch. The universe only pays attention when you keep your thoughts positive and doubts at bay. Staying positive and believing that whatever you’re wishing for will happen sends a strong signal that you’re ready for your dreams to come true. Let’s understand a little bit about the importance of a positive mindset in manifestation.
The Role of Positive Mindset in Manifestation?
Now that we know that we have a strong connection with the universe and it responds to our wishes and desires, the next thing that we need to understand is to learn to create the right things in our minds.
Otherwise, what we end up thinking and creating could be accidental and horrible. Imagine it like painting a picture – we want to use the right colors to make something beautiful.
So it is important for us to learn to control our minds and think of the positive things only. To understand this better, let me share a story told by Sadhguru.
Once upon a time, there was a man taking a walk in a big forest. He felt tired and wanted to rest, so he found a huge, amazing tree and decided to take a break under its shade.
After a refreshing nap, he woke up feeling hungry. He started thinking about all the yummy food he wished he could have. And guess what? All that delicious food magically appeared right in front of him! He was so hungry that he happily ate it all without thinking twice.
Then he thought, “Wouldn’t it be nice to have a glass of fine wine?” And just like that, the best wine appeared, and he drank it. But he got a bit tipsy from all that wine.
Most of us humans have unestablished minds, which we cannot fully control, so our minds behave like monkeys. And like monkeys do unnecessary movements as they jump from one tree to another for no reason, our mind also does something similar and starts to have random thoughts one after the other.
Suddenly, the man realized that all his wishes were actually coming true. This surprised him, and he began to worry. He suddenly thought “What if ghosts come here?” and guess what – ghosts appeared out of thin air! He got scared and thought they might hurt him.
And you know what? The ghosts started to hurt him, just like he feared. His mind raced, and he thought they were going to kill him. Unfortunately, the ghosts ended up “killing” him.
You see, the tree he rested under was a magical one where what you wish for comes true, and all his wishes became real. But because he couldn’t control his thoughts well, the battle between good and bad ideas took a toll on him.
Even though it was a fictional story, it accurately portrays the nature and behavior of the human mind and the good and bad it can do.
So, what’s the key? The key to manifesting anything we want in life is learning to guide our thoughts, just like you guide a boat through calm waters. When we do this, our life becomes more organized, like arranging puzzle pieces to make a beautiful picture.
But let’s face it, if it were just that easy, everybody would already be living the life of their dreams, wouldn’t they? Let’s understand why that is not the case.
Why Most People Are Unable to Manifest The Life They Want?
The problem right now is that we’re constantly changing direction. Think of it this way: imagine you’re trying to reach a destination, but instead of consistently moving in that direction, you keep changing your path every few miles.
Chances of reaching your goal become slim unless luck plays a major role. And relying solely on luck isn’t very probable.
Once our body, mind, emotions, and energy are organized in a single and positive direction, the universe takes a certain amount of time to make those things happen for us. We have a very limited view of life and we’re only aware of the things we’re experiencing and sensing ourselves.
But a lot of things have to come together and a lot of pieces have to fit in perfectly for something to happen the way we want it to be. All this doesn’t happen in a day.
Imagine that everything and everybody that you’ve desired lands up with you today out of nowhere, will you be able to handle it? Would you know how to manage it all?
First, we need to empower ourselves by aligning our body, mind, emotions, and energy in a single direction. You would have seen some people around you for whom things beyond all expectations came true.
This generally happens with people with faith, they’ve knowingly or unknowingly organized their life energies through positive thinking in a single direction without creating doubts in their minds.
Let’s say you want to purchase a house that costs a million dollars and you just have a few thousand dollars in your bank account. So if you keep thinking and saying it’s not possible that means at some level you’re saying that you don’t want it.
You’re creating the desire at some level but at the same time, you’re saying that you don’t want it. This conflict between whether you want it or don’t want it, nothing will happen. You’re not able to align your energies and thoughts in a positive and single direction.
The conflict between your desire and doubt leads you nowhere and nothing happens. Manifesting your aspirations is not possible without focusing your energies and thoughts consistently in a positive direction without leaving any room for doubt.
So you might be thinking, “But the doubt comes naturally. What should I do then?” Don’t worry, by the time you finish reading this blog, you’ll be much closer to understanding how to make it happen.
5-Step Process to Manifest Everything You’ve Always Wanted
Step 1: Let Go of The Past
Our daily routines are like automatic patterns that our minds and bodies follow, shaped by repeated thoughts, actions, and feelings. Sometimes, our bodies know what to do even better than our minds.
Usually, in the morning, we start thinking about problems – work issues, relationship concerns, household chores, etc. These problems are from the past, and thinking about them takes us back there. It’s like being stuck in old memories that make us feel sad.
When we keep thinking about the past, it’s hard for good things to happen now. It’s like we’re living in the past instead of the present, and our future becomes like a story we already know.
This is the main reason why we doubt if something can happen or not. We’re using our past experiences in life as the basis for deciding whether something is possible or not.
That’s why we conclude that what has not happened till now will not happen in our life in the future as well. Or it’s next to impossible unless some miracle happens. That’s against the human spirit as we as humans have made things happen on this planet that hasn’t happened till now.
Let nature or this creation decide what is possible or what’s not possible. Our job is to strive for it and put all our time, effort, energy, and positive thoughts into it without creating any doubt or having negative thoughts about it.
So, first things first, we need to wave goodbye to the past. The past is like a movie that’s done playing – it won’t happen again unless you want it to. The good and bad parts are over. So, there’s no need to spend today worrying about yesterday.
Remember, our thoughts are like magic spells for how life goes. If you think about bad stuff all the time, it keeps making you feel bad. It’s like a cycle that doesn’t help. One of the most effective techniques to distance yourself from your thoughts is Meditation.
It is one of the best techniques for practicing mindfulness and living in the present. Meditation lets you watch your thoughts come and go, like clouds drifting in the sky.
With each breath, you learn to step back – not to shut out your thoughts, but to be chill with them. It’s like being a calm observer, watching thoughts pass by without getting stuck. With practice, you get better at letting go – a superpower for breaking free from the past’s grip.
Meditation is like your personal space where you decide which thoughts to keep and which to let go of, like sorting your stuff. Doing meditation regularly helps you build a mental safe zone that shields you from yesterday’s troubles. It helps you walk into today with a clear and light heart.
Step 2: The Power of Clarity for Manifestation
When you order a pizza, you don’t just say, “Pizza, please.”. You describe everything from the crust, toppings, size, sides, etc. Similarly, when it comes to manifesting your perfect life, you should have absolute clarity on what you want.
Similar to how an architect creates the blueprint of a house, consider yourself as the architect of your own life and design a blueprint for your dream life. Have a clear vision of what you want in life. This is where the journey of manifestation begins – with the power of clarity.
Having a precise understanding of what you truly want is like setting the coordinates for your GPS. It’s essential because if you don’t know where you’re headed, how will you reach your destination?
Imagine planning a trip without knowing the location you want to visit – you might end up wandering aimlessly. Similarly, in life, without clarity, your efforts might scatter in different directions.
Step 3: Visualize and Write it Down
Close your eyes for a moment and visualize your ideal life. See it like a movie playing in your mind – the vibrant scenes, the people, the emotions. Feel the excitement and happiness as if you’re experiencing it right now. This mental movie is your guiding star, a glimpse of what you’re working towards.
Try and make your visualizations as detailed and sensory-rich as you can. Imagine sights, sounds, and even smells that are associated with your desired outcome. Adding specific details is like adding color to a black-and-white picture.
If you’re dreaming of a successful career, what does it look like? Is it a corner office, a specific role, or a creative environment? The more detailed your mental picture, the clearer the universe understands your desires.
Now write everything down in a journal that you can see and read every day. You can also create a vision board. Dreams become tangible when they are put into words. It’s a commitment you make to yourself and the universe – a declaration that these dreams matter.
Reading it every day will work as a constant reminder of what you’re striving for.
Step 4: Work Hard for It
Understand this – creating and manifesting your dream life is a team effort. While the universe works in its mysterious ways to create the right circumstances to make things happen, your job is to take action and actually work for your dreams. Nothing happens by sitting and daydreaming.
It’s like making a yummy cake. You can imagine it all you want, but you gotta mix the ingredients and bake it too. The same goes for your dreams – you’ve got to put in the hard work to make them real.
Think about it as planting seeds in a garden. You’ve got this picture of a beautiful garden in your mind, right? But unless you actually dig the soil, plant the seeds, and water them, you won’t see those pretty flowers blooming. That’s how it is with your dreams too – they need your care and work to grow.
Now, hard work doesn’t mean sweating like crazy all the time. It’s about doing your best, using your skills, and focusing on what you want. It’s like when you practice playing your favorite game – you get better because you’re putting in the effort. The same goes for your dreams – your efforts water the seeds of your dreams.
You need to show the universe that you’re worthy of the things you’re aspiring for through your efforts and the universe will notice your hard work. It’s like telling the universe, “Hey, I really want this, and I’m putting in the effort to make it happen!”
Understand that dreams need action to come true. While imagining and wishing are cool, it’s your hard work that brings the magic.
Step 5: Practice Gratitude
Gratitude isn’t just saying “thanks.” It’s like a warm, happy feeling inside you. Think about being thankful for something that hasn’t happened yet – like your dreams coming true. It’s like sending the universe a secret message that you believe in your dreams and this secret message will help you bring your dreams closer to you.
It works like magic for your body too! It makes you strong and improves your immune system. When you practice gratitude every day, your body can become a lot stronger in just a few days. Gratitude starts a chain reaction of good feelings.
When you feel thankful, it’s like a happy chain that keeps going. One happy thought leads to another, and suddenly you’re surrounded by good vibes.
So, find a cozy spot every day, a place where you can be by yourself. Close your eyes, shut out the noise, imagine your dreams coming true, and mix them with gratitude. This habit will make your dreams more powerful and a step closer to reality.
Wrapping Up!
So there you have it – the secret recipe to make your dreams come true! Believe in your dreams, keep a positive vibe, take action, and watch your wishes turn into reality.
By now, you’ve learned about manifestation and how it works. You’ve got the tools to start your own journey of making things happen.
Just like planting seeds in a garden, nurture your dreams with hope and optimism. As you work towards them, remember that the universe is on your side, listening to your wishes and helping them blossom.
So don’t wait, take that first step on your journey of turning dreams into reality. With belief, positivity, action, and a touch of magic, you’re crafting the life you’ve always imagined.
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