You decided to go a the new international market in town on a sunny Saturday afternoon with your friend, let’s call her Sonia.
The market was recently opened and was known for its diverse offerings from different countries. You heard from your friends and colleagues about the rich cultural experience it offers, and you were excited to go there.
As you walked through the entrance, you were immediately enveloped by the vibrant sights, sounds, and smells.
Since you’ve always been fascinated by different cultures and cuisines, you were filled with excitement. You eagerly approached the colorful stalls with your eyes wide open with curiosity.
You were so thrilled to see the array of exotic spices, unique fruits, and traditional crafts. You had a lot of friendly conversations with the vendors, asking them about the origins of their products and the stories behind them.
Their unfamiliar languages and accents only added to your sense of adventure. You sampled so many different foods and enjoyed their bold flavors and spices.
For you, it was like a mini-world tour in your hometown.
Sonia, on the other hand, had a completely different experience. She grew up in a small town with very limited exposure to different cultures.
She has spent her entire life with familiarity and routine, and she was overwhelmed by the market. The different languages, sounds, and bustling crowds made her uneasy.
She felt lost among the unfamiliar products, unsure of what many of them were and how to use them. The strong and unfamiliar scents from the food stalls made her stomach churn.
As you were talking to the vendors, happy and excited, Sonia felt out of place and anxious and she hung back. She was kind of feeling like an outsider in a world she didn’t understand.
For her, it was a very stressful experience and she felt relieved when you guys finally left. She did not want to come back and preferred the comfort and predictability of her usual grocery store.
How is it that two people can have such different experiences visiting the same place?
If not exactly the same, you might have had a similar experience with your partner or friend while visiting a new restaurant, park, foreign market, or conference.
One of you felt thrilled and excited while it was discomforting and stressful for the other person. So why do two people have completely different experiences in the same situation?

It’s because of our subconscious mind, which is shaped by our past experiences, beliefs, and decisions.
Most of the decisions we make throughout the day are taken by the subconscious mind. It filters out what part of the world we should see and focus on and what we should ignore.
So, if you’ve had bad or negative experiences in the past, you see the world through that lens. That’s why many of us have self-doubt and negative beliefs about ourselves.
We want to manifest and live our dream lives, but we don’t seem to be making any significant progress in that direction.
It’s because we don’t truly believe that we can actually achieve our dreams. Our subconscious mind, shaped by past failures and disappointments, keeps us in a loop of negative thinking and self-sabotage.
But what if we could rewire our subconscious mind to make decisions in the direction of manifesting our dream life?
That’s what our focus is going to be in this third blog of the affirmation series. We will understand how we can use affirmations to rewire our brains into thinking and making decisions that align with our goals.
If you’ve not read the previous blogs of this series, we invite you to read them after this one
- What Are Affirmations and How Do They Work?
- How To Write Positive Affirmations for Personal Growth and Self-Improvement
Before we talk about how to write affirmations for manifesting your dream life, let’s first understand what are positive affirmations.
Table of Contents
What Are Positive Affirmations for Manifestation?
Affirmations are statements you tell your subconscious mind about how something should be. They can be said consciously or unconsciously, and they help shape your beliefs.
If you constantly tell yourself negative things, your mind starts to create feelings of self-doubt and anxiety. On the other hand, if you say positive things to yourself, your mind helps you believe in yourself more and reduces self-doubt.
Positive affirmations are the positive statements you repeat to your subconscious mind to rewire it to think positively.
These affirmations help counter the negative beliefs you might have about yourself. By telling yourself positive things, you can start to program your mind to focus on your strengths and what you want to achieve.
Do Affirmations Really Work in Manifestation?
If you’re new to this, it might be hard to believe whether such a simple thing can actually make any difference or not but you’ll be surprised to know that affirmations have a really powerful effect on our thoughts and the actions we take daily.
As we discussed in our previous blogs on affirmations, there are more than 60k thoughts that go in our minds every day, most of which are negative and repetitive.
We are constantly dealing with such a large number of negative thoughts and are still able to maintain our sanity, we should feel good about that.
Now, what if we consciously replace some of those negative thoughts with positive ones?
It might not seem like it will make a huge difference at first, but over time, this will have a significant impact on our thought process and the decisions we make.
Take a moment to think about it
(1)365 = 1 & (1.01)365 = 37.78
1 raised to the power of 365 is still 1, but 1.01 raised to the power of 365 is 37.78.
This means that if we don’t make any changes, we’ll remain the same throughout the year. But even a small positive change every day can result in 37 times the progress in a year.
Similarly, over time, consciously feeding our minds with positive thoughts has a significant impact.
The other thing is that our subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between what is real and what is not.
Whatever you tell it and truly believe, it considers it as real and acts accordingly. It filters out the things you see and don’t see in the world around you.
So, if you tell your mind that what you’re dreaming of is not possible, it will consider it a fact and find proof from around you to support that belief.
But if you tell it that what you want is within your reach, it will also find ways to prove that your goal is achievable.
Let’s explore this in more detail in the next section.
How Affirmations Work And How They Help With Manifestation
Have you heard about the red car theory? Think about the last time you went out to work or to your local grocery store. How many red cars did you notice?
Chances are, not even one. But are you sure there were no red cars on the road that day? Not in the driveway or the parking lot, nowhere?
There must have been multiple red cars that you crossed or drove by, but since you were not actively looking for red cars, you didn’t notice any.
Now, what if I told you to actively notice red cars the next time you go out? Do this experiment and see how many red cars you notice. Chances are, you’ll find a couple of them. The only difference is that this time, you’ll be actively looking for them.
The same principle applies to manifestation and how affirmations help with that.
Positive affirmations are one of the most powerful ways to make yourself believe that you are worthy and capable of achieving all you’ve ever dreamed of.
Over time, this belief will get stronger and stronger in your mind, and your subconscious mind will be programmed to actively notice the opportunities you would have otherwise missed, opportunities that will propel you toward achieving your goals.
Don’t be fooled into thinking or believing that you’ll magically get rich or achieve your goals just by practicing affirmations and manifestations alone.
The purpose of affirmations is to change your belief system into believing that you are worthy and capable enough of achieving everything you’ve dreamed of.
Affirmations are a tool to manifest your dream life because they help in programming your subconscious mind to notice the opportunities that can lead you to your dream life.
What Are the Benefits of Practicing Affirmations for Manifestation?
Before we talk about how you can write affirmations to manifest your dream life, let’s quickly take a look at the different benefits practicing affirmations for manifestation has to offer.
1. Helps in Overcoming Negative Thoughts
When you use positive affirmations regularly, you start to change the way your subconscious mind thinks, shifting your beliefs and attitudes in a more positive direction.
This helps break the loop of negative thoughts in our minds.
2. Boosts Self-Confidence
The other key benefit of practicing affirmations is that it boosts your self-confidence.
When you consistently tell yourself positive things, you start to believe in your abilities and worth. This increase in confidence helps you face challenges and go after your goals with more determination.
3. Improves Focus and Clarity
Another important benefit is improved focus and clarity. Positive affirmations keep you centered on what you truly want in life.
By regularly affirming your goals, you keep them at the forefront of your mind, which helps guide your actions and decisions toward achieving them.
4. Helps You Notice Opportunities
As we discussed in the previous section, one of the main ways in which practicing affirmations helps is by programming your subconscious mind to spot and seize the opportunities that come your way.
This is because your mind is tuned to positive beliefs and expectations and it starts to actively find opportunities that can help you achieve what you already believe to be true.
How Do You Write Manifesting Affirmations?
Now, let’s address the main question: how do you actually write affirmations to manifest your dream life? Let’s go step-by-step so you can follow along and create your own affirmations.
Step 1: Be Absolutely Clear About What You Want
Clarity is the key when it comes to manifestation. If you are not clear about what you want, how can you ask yourself and the universe to achieve it?
One thing the universe appreciates the most when it comes to giving you what you want is clarity. You should be absolutely clear in your mind about what it is you’re aiming for.
Think about what you truly want in your life. Is it a new job, a loving relationship, better health, or financial abundance? Whatever it is, you need to have a precise and detailed picture of it in your mind.
Step 2: Create Your Affirmations
After you’ve figured out what you want in life and have a clear picture of your end goal, the next step is to create your affirmations.
There are a few important things to keep in mind while creating your affirmations.
First, make sure your affirmations are about yourself. These affirmations are for you, not for any other member of your family or anyone else. Focus on your personal goals and desires.
Second, start your affirmations with the powerful words “I am.” These words are very effective in boosting your self-confidence and helping you believe in your affirmations.
For example, instead of saying, “I want to be successful,” say, “I am successful.” This simple shift in wording can make a big difference in how your subconscious mind absorbs the affirmation.
Third, write your affirmations in the present tense. This means you should phrase your affirmations as if the final outcome you’re expecting has already happened. Instead of saying, “I will be healthy,” say, “I am healthy.”
And lastly, use emotional words and feelings in your affirmations. Your affirmations should trigger the right emotions and feelings when you read them out loud.
You should actually feel the same emotions that you will experience once you’ve achieved your goals and your dream life.
As we discussed earlier, our subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s not. If we feel the same emotions as we will when we’ve achieved our goals, our mind will make intentional efforts to make that our reality.
Incorporate words like “happy,” “joyful,” “excited,” and “fulfilled” into your affirmations. Show gratitude for achieving your goals by saying that you’re grateful.
Now let’s look at an example that incorporates all the above points.
If your goal is to create a passive stream of income of more than $10k a month, your affirmation could be, “I am so happy and grateful now that I am earning over $10k a month in passive income. I no longer need to trade my time for money, and I have the freedom to enjoy my life fully.”
Step 3: Incorporate Affirmations into Your Daily Life
Once you’ve created your affirmations, the next step is to make them a part of your daily life. Now there are a few ways to do this effectively.
One way is to write your affirmations down and make a habit of repeating them several times a day. Find a quiet place in your home, sit comfortably, and read your affirmations out loud.
As you do this, visualize and feel the joy and happiness that will come with achieving your goals.
Another highly effective method is through journaling.
Writing has a much more powerful effect when it comes to manifesting your dream life because it requires you to be more focused and concentrated.
When you write, you’re engaging more senses than when you simply say them out loud. You’re not just thinking or speaking, you’re also seeing the words and physically creating them on paper, which helps to deeply ingrain these positive beliefs into your subconscious mind.
If you already keep a journal, you can add your daily affirmations to it. Else you can maintain a separate journal for writing your daily affirmations.
You can also check our thoughtfully designed Mindful Living Digital Journal. We’ve designed it to include practices like mindfulness, gratitude, self-care, affirmations, and manifestation. It can support you in manifesting your dream life while taking care of your health and well-being.
No matter which method you choose, the key is consistency. Make it a daily habit to write and reflect on your affirmations. This regular practice will gradually transform your mindset, and guide you toward your dream life.
Step 4: Take Action
The last step in the process is to take action.
Once you start with your affirmations and practice them over time, you’ll start seeing a positive shift in your mindset, you’ll notice opportunities in your daily life that can help you achieve your goals and your dream life.
Your job is to grab those opportunities and take the first step toward them.
For example, if your goal is to generate a passive stream of income, you might stumble upon YouTube videos or blogs that guide you on how to do that or point you in the right direction.
Nothing happens on its own, you have to make things happen. The sooner you realize this, the better it will be for you.
Practicing affirmations and using visualization techniques for manifestation can significantly change your mindset. These practices help you think in the right direction and notice opportunities that you might have previously overlooked. But things will happen only when you take action.
Affirmations and manifestation techniques are powerful tools to make you believe in yourself and your abilities. They can shift your perspective and open your eyes to possibilities that were always there but went unnoticed.
But without action, these opportunities remain just potential.
To achieve your goals, you must believe in yourself and take action. Practicing affirmations will give you a strong foundation of self-belief, it is then your job to take decisive steps toward your goals.
Every action, no matter how small will take you one step closer to manifesting the life you’ve always dreamed of.
30 Powerful Affirmations for Manifesting Your Dream Life
Now that we’ve explored what affirmations are, how they work, do they really make a difference, and how to write them to manifest your dream life, let’s look at some powerful affirmations you can use daily.
Please note that your affirmations should be personalized and tailored to your own dreams and goals. These examples will provide a starting point for creating your own unique affirmations.
Affirmations to Manifest Love
- I am deserving of a deep and meaningful love.
- Love surrounds me and fills my heart with joy and gratitude.
- I attract loving and positive relationships effortlessly.
- My heart is open to love, and I am ready to receive it abundantly.
- I am grateful for the love that flows into my life every day.
- I radiate love, and it returns to me in beautiful ways.
Affirmations to Manifest Good Health
- My body is healing, and I am becoming stronger each day.
- I am grateful for my healthy body and mind.
- I nurture my body with nutritious food and positive habits.
- Every cell in my body vibrates with health and energy.
- I am thankful for my body’s ability to heal and rejuvenate.
- I choose health and wellness every day.
Affirmations To Manifest Money and Financial Success
- I am so happy and grateful now that I am making more than $10k a month in passive income.
- I am financially secure and have everything I need.
- I am grateful for the money that flows into my life easily and frequently.
- I am confident in my potential to build wealth and abundance.
- I am attracting financial success and prosperity every day.
- I am skilled at handling my finances with wisdom and care.
Affirmations For Joy & Happiness
- I find joy in the little things and cherish every moment.
- Happiness is my natural state, and I welcome it daily.
- I am grateful for the happiness that fills my life.
- Positive energy and joy surround me constantly.
- I choose to focus on joy and let go of negativity.
- My life is filled with love, laughter, and happiness.
Affirmation For Self-Love
- I am worthy of love and respect, including from myself.
- I honor my needs and take care of myself with compassion.
- I am proud of who I am and embrace my uniqueness.
- I treat myself with kindness and patience.
- I am grateful for the person I am becoming.
- My self-love grows stronger every day, attracting positive experiences.
Wrapping Up – How To Use Daily Affirmations In Your Manifestation Routine
Consciously or unconsciously, you’re always manifesting something in your life every day.
Whether you realize it or not, your constant thoughts and visualizations shape your reality. If you constantly worry about fumbling on stage or believe you won’t get that raise or promotion, you’re essentially manifesting those outcomes.
This is how it happens for most of us daily, we’re manifesting our lives with our thoughts and beliefs, whether positive or negative.
Now think about it, how big of a difference it will make if you take control and turn all these negative beliefs and fears into positive thoughts and self-confidence.
It might not happen tomorrow, but once you start taking control of how you think and feel about yourself and the things you want to achieve, you’ll start seeing significant positive changes in your life.
This shift in your mindset will help you believe in yourself and notice the opportunities that can lead you to your dream life.
But in the end, things will only happen when you take action.
We hope you understand the point we’re trying to make and feel inspired to think and take action in this direction.
Let us know about your experiences so we and the wider community can benefit from them. Namaste!
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