Almost all of us have a cell phone in today’s world which enables us to talk to each other anytime we want. But do you know how it works?
When you call someone, your phone sends out a signal at a specific frequency. Each cell phone has its own unique frequency, kind of like its own personal address in the world of wireless communication.
When you dial someone’s number, your phone first connects to the cell tower which then sends the signal to the other person’s phone.
For the call to go through, the other person’s phone must tune into the right frequency, like tuning a radio to the right station. Only then can the two phones connect and you can have a conversation.
Similarly, everything in this universe is vibrating at a certain frequency. Whether it’s a rock, a tree, an animal, or a human being, everything is made up of energy and vibrates at different frequencies.
It might feel strange because everything looks stationary and feels solid but at a microscopic level, the particles that make up everything are constantly moving.
Our bodies vibrate too. Every cell in our body is made up of atoms that are constantly moving. Our hearts, brains, and even our blood have their own vibrational frequencies.
The interesting thing is that not only physical objects but even our thoughts and feelings also have their own vibrations.
Positive thoughts and emotions like love, joy, and gratitude vibrate at higher frequencies, while negative thoughts and emotions like fear, anger, and sadness vibrate at lower frequencies.
The famous scientist Nikola Tesla once said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
All these vibrations from our physical body, thoughts, and feelings create an energy field around us which is also known as our aura.
Each person has a different aura and you would have felt it yourself. Some people lighten up the room when they’re around while there are others who seem to be sucking all your energy when they’re around.
Depending on the kind of aura we have and the frequency at which we’re vibrating, we also attract the same frequencies.
If our mind is constantly occupied with negative thoughts and emotions, we’ll attract the lower frequencies like those of fear, anger, sadness, etc.
But if we focus on the positive thoughts and feelings, we raise our vibrations and attract the higher frequencies like those of positive emotions.
Each one of us wants to live our dream life and become the best version of ourselves but only a few of us are actually able to manifest that dream life.
One of the key reasons behind that is our inability to tune ourselves to the right frequencies so we can attract the positive things in our lives.

Now the main question arises, how do we tune ourselves to the right frequencies?
One of the most powerful tools in our arsenal to manifest our dream life is journaling. It is a bridge between where we are right now and where we want to be in life.
Journaling for manifestation is much more than just writing about what you want, it is about immersing yourself in the feelings and emotions that are connected with your dreams.
This is the sixth blog in our journaling series where we’ll deep dive into the practice of journaling for manifestation.
We’ll start with the basics and first understand what is manifestation and what is a manifestation journal. Then we’ll discuss how you can journal for manifestation
By the end of this blog, you’ll have a good understanding of how to use journaling to align yourself with the right frequencies and manifest your dream life.
These are the first five blogs of this series. If you really want to learn about journaling in detail, we encourage you to start from the beginning.
- What Is Journaling and What Are Its Benefits?
- What Are The Different Types of Journaling
- 5 Simple Steps to Start Journaling for Mental Health
- How and Why You Should Start a Gratitude Journal
- How to Journal for Personal Growth and Self-improvement
Table of Contents
What Is Manifestation?
You can’t be completely new to this concept because it is everywhere on social media. So many celebrities like Jim Carrey and Oprah Winfrey are big-time advocates of manifestation and how it has worked for them.
Manifestation is the simple act of turning something imaginary into reality through focused thoughts, feelings, and actions. It is about turning your dreams into reality by believing in them, visualizing them, and aligning your thoughts and emotions with them.
As we just discussed, our thoughts and feelings are also vibrating at certain frequencies, and so they have a very powerful influence on our lives.
When we constantly think about what we want, feel what it will feel like to have all those things, and believe that achieving all that is actually possible, we create an energy field that attracts all those things from the universe.
It might sound very mystical at first but it is actually backed by the law of attraction that states that like attracts like. Everything in this universe including you and me is made up of pure energy, and similar energies attract each other.
Take the example of a seed. If you didn’t know about it and haven’t seen it yourself, would you believe that such a tiny thing can grow into such a large tree that stands for hundreds of years, passing every test of time?
The idea that something so small can become something so magnificent might seem unbelievable if you hadn’t witnessed it. Yet, we all know it’s true because we’ve seen it happen.
If you want fruits from a tree, you have to sow the seed, water it regularly, nourish it, and give it the right conditions to grow. You need to be patient and consistent in your efforts.
Eventually, one day it will bear the fruits that you were expecting. This is a natural process that requires time, care, and perseverance.
Manifestation is a similar process. Nothing will happen overnight. Manifestation is like sowing the seed of your dreams in your mind. You need to constantly water it, nourish it, and give it the right conditions to grow.
This means consistently thinking about your dreams, feeling the joy you’ll feel when you’ve actually achieved them, and believing that what you want is possible. Eventually, that seed will become a full-grown tree and bear the fruits you have been expecting for so long.
Don’t be fooled by believing that manifestation is just wishful thinking, although it is one of the very important parts of the process but that’s not the only thing, that’s the starting point and there is so much more to it.
Wishful thinking, feeling the joy of living your dream life, and believing in your dreams will change your thinking and mindset at a subconscious level and you’ll start noticing the opportunities that you would have otherwise ignored.
It will keep your goals at the forefront of your mind, constantly reminding you about them and keeping you motivated to stay focused and take steps to achieve them.
We’ve discussed all this in detail in our blogs on how to manifest your dream life and how to make a vision board for manifestation, and we encourage you to read these blogs after this one so you understand the concept of manifestation in detail and have the right expectations from it.
The next steps in the process are to have a clear vision of what you want in life, make an action plan, and take the right steps in that direction.
What Is a Manifestation Journal?
In our blog “How to make a vision board for manifestation”, we have discussed how making a vision board helps you achieve your goals.
A vision board is a very powerful tool in the manifestation process, it is a place where you paste photos, words, and phrases related to your end goal, the things you want to manifest.
This is particularly helpful in today’s world because each one of us is leading such a hectic and busy life and it’s very easy for us to lose sight of them amid the daily chaos. A vision board is a constant reminder of the things that matter the most to us, the things we really want for ourselves.
A manifestation journal is a similar tool that provides you with a dedicated space to specify, visualize, and plan your goals and dreams to make them a reality.
It is specifically maintained to help you focus all your thoughts and energy on what you want to attract in your life and make an actionable plan to achieve them.
How Does a Manifestation Journal Work?
There are different types of pages in a manifestation journal that we’ll discuss in the next section but you use those pages to visualize your dreams, make long and short-term plans, and reflect on your progress so you can make informed decisions about your approach moving forward.
At its core, a manifestation journal is about clarity and intention. It helps you clearly define what you want to manifest, why you want it, and how you plan to achieve it.
This clarity is important because as we discussed earlier, everything in the universe is vibrating at a certain frequency, including our thoughts and emotions.
By focusing on positive, specific goals, you tune into the frequency of those goals which makes it more likely that they will manifest in your life.
One of the primary benefits of a manifestation journal is that it keeps your goals on top of your mind. When you write down your dreams and revisit them regularly, you keep them at the forefront of your thoughts.
This constant reminder helps you stay focused and motivated and makes it easier to identify and seize the opportunities that align with your goals.
How Do You Start a Manifestation Journal?
Let’s now start with the section that is the next main focus of this blog, how do you start a manifestation journal? The idea is to clearly define your goals and write about the action steps so this journal can act as a blueprint for your dream life.
Let’s see what steps you need to take to start a manifestation journal.
1. Visualize Your Dream Life
The first step in the process is to take your time, sit back, and visualize your dream life and your ideal self.
Imagine the life you’ve always wanted, perhaps it includes a big house with enough space for your kids to play and grow up, your and your partner’s dream car, and passive income streams so you don’t have to rent your time for money and can work at your own convenience.
Take your time to think about what you truly want for yourself. Visualize it vividly. How will your house look? Imagine the design of the floors, the scent of the flowers in your garden, and the color of your car.
Picture yourself living in this dream life, walking through your home, enjoying the spaces you’ve created, and feeling the happiness and the sense of satisfaction that comes with achieving your dreams.
The more vivid and clearly you visualize these details, the better it is for your manifestation process.
The idea is to immerse yourself fully in this visualization. Close your eyes and see every detail. Feel the emotions associated with living your dream life.
Smell the fresh flowers in your garden, hear the laughter of your kids playing, touch the sleek surface of your dream car, and see yourself experiencing the joy and satisfaction of your ideal life.
Remember, thoughts and feelings have vibrations so match the vibrations of the positive thoughts and feelings you’ll have once you’ve achieved all those things.
2. Create Your Vision Board
After vividly visualizing your dream life, the next step is to create a vision board so you can bring your visualizations into a tangible format. This will make your dreams feel more real and achievable.
Find images that match your dream house, car, vacation spots, career achievements, and anything else that is related to the things you want to manifest.
Include words and phrases that inspire and motivate you, such as “success,” “happiness,” “financial freedom,” or “love.”
There should be a yearly and a monthly vision board page in your physical or digital journal. You’ll paste these images on the yearly vision board page.
Use the pyramid approach we discussed in the previous blog where you paste the images of your starting point at the top, and where you want to be at the bottom of the page.
The middle of the page will contain the images of your short-term goals or the steps you need to take to reach your final goals.
3. Make Short-Term and Monthly Goals
Once you’ve visualized your dream life and created a vision board, the next step is to break down your ultimate goals into manageable, short-term, and monthly goals.
Your manifestation journal should have yearly and monthly goals pages where you can write them down.
The idea is to create a detailed plan that outlines the specific actions you need to take to reach your end goals. By defining clear, actionable steps, you make the journey towards your dream life more structured and attainable.
Start by identifying the major milestones that will lead you to your ultimate goals. These milestones will act as checkpoints in your journey that will help you measure progress and stay on track.
Break down these milestones into smaller, short-term, and monthly goals which will be the immediate steps you need to take within the next few weeks and days.
Clearly define the action steps you need to take and be as detailed as possible. Don’t just write vague statements.
Let’s say you want to manifest your dream home and become financially free, one major milestone in that would be to generate another stream of income that could replace your daily job.
The immediate goals in that direction would be to research what you can do and how you can generate another stream of income.
The steps for that would be to watch specific YouTube videos, read online, listen to podcasts, talk to people, and come up with ideas on generating a side income by the end of the week. The goal for the next week would be to create an action plan to get started.
By the end of the month, you should have a clear understanding of what you’re going to do to generate another stream of income and the steps you need to take in that direction.
The vision board for the next month should contain images related to that new stream of income.
There are no hard and fast rules, if you get the idea then you can use the vision board and goals pages as per your preferences. And the idea is to define your end goals and create a plan with actionable steps to get there.
4. Reflect on Your Progress
Set aside some time regularly to look back on your journal entries. This could be weekly, monthly, or whenever you feel the need to reassess your journey. As you review your goals and vision board, look at the progress you’ve made.
Acknowledge the steps you’ve taken, the obstacles you’ve overcome, and the achievements you’ve reached, no matter how small.
Reflecting on your journey so far will help you stay motivated and focused on your goals and it will keep reminding you that manifestation is a continuous process.
5. Create Positive Affirmations
After setting your short-term and monthly goals, the next step in your manifestation journaling process is to create positive affirmations, which are powerful statements that make you believe that you have the ability to achieve your dreams.
These positive affirmations work at a subconscious level that helps you focus on your goals and have a positive outlook toward life.
These statements are written in the present tense and in a way that the reality you want to create is already happening. The purpose of writing positive affirmations is to make you feel like you’re already living your dream life and to evoke those positive feelings.
Make sure these affirmations are specific, positive, and emotionally resonant.
For example, positive affirmations for financial freedom would be, “I am financially independent and secure”, “Money comes to me from all directions easily and effortlessly”, “I make wise financial decisions that increase my wealth”, etc.
Positive affirmations for health and well-being would be, “I am healthy, strong, and full of energy”, “I take care of my body and mind and I nurture them with love and respect”, and “I am grateful for my vibrant health, and vitality”, etc.
Make sure you write these positive affirmations daily, and your journal should have dedicated space or prompts to write the positive affirmations for the day. More importantly, visualize the emotions and feel the sensations that come with achieving your goals.
Don’t just write them for the sake of writing, imagine how it will feel to be finally successful, financially free, healthy, and loved.
6. Express Gratitude
Showing gratitude for the things you have in life is a very powerful practice in the manifestation process because when you’re grateful, you’re more likely to attract positive experiences and opportunities into your life.
Your journal should have daily prompts for gratitude as well where you can write down a few things you’re grateful for that day.
Every day, write a few things you’re grateful for. Be specific about why you’re grateful for each one. For example, instead of just writing “I’m grateful for my family,” you could write “I’m grateful for my family’s support during my job search because it has given me strength and confidence.”
Write about the things you’re grateful for that haven’t happened yet, as if they have already occurred.
This will strengthen your belief in the manifestation process and align your mindset with the outcomes you want. For example, “I am grateful for my thriving career that brings me joy and fulfillment.”
This daily gratitude practice will keep you aligned with the positive frequencies or vibrations required for manifesting your goals and dreams.
If you want to learn more about gratitude, how you can practice it in your daily life, and how you can journal for gratitude, we invite you to read the following blogs:
- What Is Gratitude And Why Is It So Important?
- 5 Simple Ways To Practice Gratitude Everyday
- Finding Silver Linings in Challenging Situations Through Gratitude
- How and Why You Should Start a Gratitude Journal?
Which Journal is Best for Manifestation?
There are no strict rules when it comes to choosing a journal for manifestation. You should choose any journal that you feel comfortable using and that meets your specific needs.
It could be as simple as a plain notebook because it gives you complete freedom to customize and organize your daily entries. You can use different pages for different purposes.
If a blank canvas is overwhelming, you can go for journals that are specifically designed for manifestation.
These journals are easier to use because they have dedicated pages and prompts, they have sections for a vision board, yearly and monthly goals, affirmations, and daily entries.
If you’re comfortable using a digital journal, you can check out our own digital journal and tracker that we’ve carefully designed. It has all the pages, spaces, and prompts you would need for practicing gratitude, writing daily affirmations, and manifesting your dream life.
We’ve designed it in such a way that you don’t have to maintain different journals for health and well-being, personal growth, self-improvement, gratitude, mindfulness, and manifestation.
It has a dedicated daily tracker page where you can track your health and well-being.
It has yearly and monthly vision board pages, yearly and monthly goals pages, yearly and monthly reflection pages, a couple of monthly planner pages with guided prompts, weekly planner pages, and daily planner and tracker pages with all the essential prompts.
Whichever planner you choose to go with, the most important thing is to use it consistently and with intention.
Wrapping Up – What Is and How to Start a Manifestation Journal
We’ve only got this one life, so let’s do everything we can to live it the best way possible. If we’re not making progress toward making our dream life a reality, it’s on us.
No matter how small or big our steps are each day, we should take them and work toward our goals to live the life we’ve always wanted.
Hopefully, you now have a good understanding of how to start a manifestation journal. We encourage you to do your own research in this direction and start your manifestation journaling journey as you see fit.
Life is too short, live it the way you’ve always wanted to. Whichever point in life you are at right now, consider that as the starting point and make a plan to reach your end goals.
There are very few tools that come as close to a manifestation journal in helping you achieve your goals and manifest your dream life. Give it a try, you won’t regret it.
We’d love to hear from you! If you have any tips, experiences, or thoughts about manifestation journaling, please share them in the comments.
Your insights could help others on their journey, and together, we can all grow and achieve our dreams. Namaste!
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