Life, my dear friends, is a rollercoaster ride of emotions – some days we’re floating on cloud nine, busting out dance moves like nobody’s watching.
And then there are those other days when all we want to do is snuggle in bed with Netflix as our loyal companion.
But if those not-so-great days outnumber the good ones, then it becomes a real problem.
According to a study by WHO, in 2019, 1 in every 8 people, or around 970 million people around the globe (yep, you read that right!) were living with a mental health problem. That is a very scary statistic to look at.
But the good thing is that we are living in an era where conversations surrounding mental health are slowly emerging from the shadows of stigma.
Yet, there’s still much to learn and explore and we have a long way to go before we have all the answers.
But one thing is for sure, mental health problems are very real, and behind our smiling faces and seemingly put-together exteriors, there lies a myriad of invisible struggles that affect most of us.
From time to time, you must think about what your days would look like if you were happy and cheerful all the time. Wouldn’t that be a delight?
We might not have a magic pill that can make all our mental health problems go away but there are a few things we can do every day to safeguard our well-being and ensure that we are not endangering our mental health.
One of those things is bidding farewell to the toxic habits that threaten our mental health. Habits are nothing but recurring actions that we do regularly without conscious thought.
They can be both beneficial and harmful depending on the nature of the action. Positive habits will contribute to our personal growth and well-being while negative habits will harm our mental and physical health.
Let’s look at some of the habits that are negatively impacting your mental health and what you can do to avoid them.

Table of Contents
7 Habits That Are Endangering Your Mental Health
1. Losing Touch With Nature And Outside World
While mental health concerns don’t pick favorites, you might have noticed that our generation seems to be facing more of them compared to our parents and grandparents.
A big reason for this is the kind of lifestyle we’re living these days. Many of us have jobs that keep us glued to desks indoors, which means we’re missing out on a lot of time outside.
Back in the day, before the internet took over, our elders had different kinds of jobs. They often worked outdoors in fields and such. They were able to spend most of their day outdoors, chatting with people, feeling the sun, and enjoying nature.
Our generation is spending way more time indoors, especially in front of screens. But earlier generations had a more natural and outdoorsy way of life.
They were like buddies with nature, getting to feel the wind, walk on the earth, and soak up the beauty around them.
It’s high time we realize that we’re an extension of this planet and we’re made up of the same basic elements as this planet.
Even though we’re in a digital age and live in the concrete jungle we call cities, we shouldn’t forget that we’re a part of this big, beautiful planet and find ways to get outside and enjoy nature.
Here are a few things you can do:
- Soak in the Morning Sun: Wake up early and spend some quality time in the morning sun. It’s a fantastic way to start your day on a positive note.
- Stroll to the Store: If your local grocery store isn’t too far away, why not take a leisurely walk instead of ordering things online? This way, you can enjoy small chit-chats and make connections.
- Walk Barefoot: Try walking around a park without shoes – feel the cool grass and the soft earth beneath your feet. It’s like a mini massage for your toes and a great way to connect with nature.
- Grow Your Green Space: Even if you don’t have a sprawling garden, you can still nurture plants in pots. Watching them grow and taking care of them can be soothing for your mind and body.
- Go on Dates: Make a pact to have a date each week. It could be with your partner or just by yourself. Skip the takeout and head outdoors for a refreshing change.
2. Too Much Social Media
Social media is such a great technology that is meant to have great benefits for society by keeping everyone close and in touch no matter which part of the globe you currently live in.
It’s a great way to stay in touch with friends and family. Yet we’re suffering from this technology as it is having a very negative impact on our self-image and mental health.
Here’s why:
- Comparing Can Bring You Down: Have you ever looked at someone’s pictures and felt like your own life is not as cool? Well, those pictures often show only the best moments, not the regular stuff. So, it’s not fair to compare.
- Likes and Hearts Aren’t Everything: Waiting for likes and hearts on our posts can make us feel worried. We start thinking, “Do people like me? Did I do something wrong?” But remember, likes don’t define how awesome you are.
So, what can we do?
- Be a Mindful Scroller: It’s okay to use social media, but try not to spend all day on it. Give yourself a time limit and stick to it.
- Take Breaks: Put down the phone and do things you enjoy – draw, read, or play outside. Take a break from the screen and social media.
- Real-Life Fun: Hanging out with friends in person is super cool. You can talk, laugh, and have real adventures without screens.
- Enjoy the Moment: When you’re having a good time, don’t worry about taking pictures for social media. Just enjoy the moment as it is.
Remember, social media is a way to have fun, but it’s not the only way. Your happiness is important, and it doesn’t depend on how many likes you get.
So, go ahead and use social media but do it wisely, and also make time for other things that make you smile.
3. No Physical Activity
Physical activity and our brain have a pretty special connection. Our brains have these tiny messengers called chemicals, and they’re like the bosses of many things happening in our bodies – stuff like how we feel, sleep, and even how hungry we get.
When these chemicals are all in harmony, our body is like a well-tuned machine. But when things get a bit messy, we might start feeling not-so-great in both our minds and bodies.
When we get moving, it’s like we’re giving our brain chemicals a little pep talk. They start working together in a happy dance, making sure everything runs smoothly.
Imagine it like this: when we exercise, it’s like we’re sending a signal to our brain to keep those important chemicals in balance. It’s like giving our mood a boost, helping us sleep better, and even keeping our hunger in check.
So, moving our bodies isn’t just about getting stronger muscles – it’s also about keeping our brain and all those important chemicals in good spirits. Whether it’s running, dancing, or playing, every little bit of exercise adds up to a happier, healthier you!
So, now that we know how important exercise is for both our body and brain, let’s talk about how to make it a part of our daily routine. Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are some simple ways you can add exercise to your day:
- Morning Stretch: When you wake up, take a moment to stretch your body. You can either do it on the bed or on the floor of your bedroom using a yoga mat. It’s like a friendly hello to your muscles.
- Walk or Bike: If your school, the park, or a friend’s house is nearby, try walking or biking there instead of taking a ride. It’s a fun way to move around and get some fresh air.
- Dance Party: Put on your favorite music and have a mini dance party. It’s like exercise and fun rolled into one.
- Help Around the House: Cleaning your room, helping in the garden, or doing small chores can also contribute to your “moving your body” routine a little bit. Plus, you’ll make your family super happy!
- Something You Love: Find something you really enjoy, like dancing, Zumba, swimming, any sports, or aerobics. Doing something you love doesn’t feel like exercise at all!
- Gymming: If you’re interested, you can also try going to the gym. It will help you pack some muscles, get rid of the extra fat, and keep your body toned.
- Stretch Before Bed: Before you hit the bed, try some gentle stretches. It can help relax your muscles and make you feel cozy.
Remember, you don’t need to do everything all at once. Start with one or two things that you enjoy, and slowly add more. The key is to find activities that make you happy while keeping your body moving.
4. Eating Unhealthy Foods
Let’s talk about something that’s very important for both our physical and mental health – what we eat. Our bodies are complex machines and the fuel we give them makes a big difference.
When we give it the right fuel, it will have a positive impact on our physical and mental health but when we make not-so-great choices, it can put a damper on our body and mind.
Who doesn’t love munching on a big bag of crunchy chips, gobbling up chocolate chip cookies, or taking big bites of extra chocolaty donuts?
Just imagining these yummy treats might make your mouth water. But as tasty as they are, they’re not the best for our health if we eat them too much.
Have you ever felt slow and kind of down after eating sugary snacks, fatty foods, or things that are made in a factory? It’s because these foods can mess with how we feel inside. They might make us grumpy, make our feelings swing like a swing set, and even make it hard to think straight.
And guess what? Eating too much of these not-so-healthy foods for a long time might lead to some not-so-fun problems like sugar troubles, heart stuff, and even things like cancer.
But don’t worry, having treats every now and then is okay. It’s just important to find a balance between tasty snacks and the good-for-you stuff.
The key is finding the perfect balance between enjoying your cravings and fueling your body right. Now, you might be wondering, “What should I eat then?” Well, here are a few tips to help you figure that out:
- Colorful Fruits and Veggies: Think of these like little superhero bites. Seasonal fruits, like juicy apples or sweet berries, are like a burst of goodness for your body.
And guess what? Raw veggies can be fun too! Ever tried dipping crunchy carrots or cucumbers into hummus? Yum! - Whole Grains: Swap out that regular flour for the whole-grain kind when you’re cooking. Add foods like whole wheat bread, rice, and oats to your daily diet.
- Protein: Ensure that you consume an adequate amount of proteins in every meal. Foods like beans, legumes, and soy are like the building blocks that help us grow strong and keep us feeling full.
- Healthy Fats: Yes, fats can be good! Things like avocados, nuts, and olive oil are like brain boosters. They help you think clearly and stay focused.
- Variety is Key: Try to eat a rainbow of foods. The more colors on your plate, the better!
- Homemade Magic: When you can, try cooking at home. It’s like a little science experiment where you create delicious and healthy meals.
- Listen to Your Tummy: Eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full. Your tummy knows best!
- Treats Are Okay: It’s totally fine to have treats once in a while. Just remember, balance is the secret.
5. Unhealthy Eating Habits
The other toxic habit that might not be so great for our tummies and minds is unhealthy eating habits.
Skipping breakfast, munching on too much junk food, having heavy dinners, and sipping sugary drinks might seem okay at the moment, but they can mess with how we feel – both in our bodies and in our heads.
When we skip breakfast or load up on unhealthy foods, our bodies miss out on the good stuff they need to work well.
This can make us feel tired and moody, and even affect our ability to think clearly. Imagine starting your day with a half-empty fuel tank – it’s not the best way to kick off your morning.
And those heavy dinners right before bed? They can make our tummies feel uncomfortable and even mess with our sleep. When we don’t get good sleep, our minds can get all foggy, and we might find it hard to concentrate during the day.
Plus, too much junk food and sugary drinks can lead to quick bursts of energy followed by crashes. This roller coaster ride can make us feel anxious, irritable, and not our best selves.
And let’s not forget about the mindless munching – eating when we’re not really hungry.
This can leave us feeling guilty and not so great about ourselves. So, while those treats are okay now and then, finding a balance with healthier choices can help us feel awesome both inside and out.
6. Irregular Sleep
One of the biggest differences between our generation and the generations before is the sleep cycle.
You would have noticed that our parents go to bed early and wake up before the sun rises, a routine that comes naturally to them. However, things are a bit different for us.
Our sleep habits can sometimes be quite chaotic. Staying awake long into the night might seem exciting, but our bodies don’t really enjoy this nocturnal adventure. It’s like telling our minds to keep running when they’re longing for a break.
This can lead to irritability and foggy memory, and when our sleep schedule is all over the place, it’s like mixing up the body’s clock.
Picture having lunch at midnight – it’s somewhat similar to what our internal clock experiences.
Developing a sleep routine, ensuring we get a good amount of rest, and creating a comfortable sleep environment can make a world of difference.
7. Excessive Screen Time
Screens have become a big part of our lives nowadays. While they’re pretty cool and helpful, spending too much time with them can actually play tricks on our minds and make us feel not-so-great.
Sometimes, we have to sit in front of our computers for work or school. It’s like a modern-day thing we can’t escape, especially if we’re into IT stuff.
But spending hours and hours glued to the screen, whether it’s for work or play, can mess with how we feel inside.
Think about those times when we binge-watch shows or scroll through social media endlessly on our phones. Checking our phones as soon as we wake up or staring at the screen before we sleep.
It might seem harmless, but our minds can start feeling a little off.
Too much screen time can lead to feeling anxious and stressed, and even affect our sleep. Our brains need a break from all those digital vibes.
So, while screens are cool, finding a balance between screen time and real-life time can help our minds stay in a happy place.
Wrapping Up – Habits That Are Endangering Your Mental Health
And there you have it, our exploration into habits that can either brighten or dim our mental well-being. The things we do every day shape how we feel inside.
They hold the power to determine our happiness and overall sense of well-being.
By saying goodbye to these not-so-good habits, you’re making room for better things. It’s like cleaning up your mental space.
And you don’t need a magic trick, just some simple steps. Going for a walk or doing a quick exercise can actually make a big difference.
So, as we finish, remember – you don’t have to change everything at once. Small steps matter, and they can lead to big smiles.
Each positive habit you add is like a brick in your happiness wall. With a little courage, you can shine brighter and feel better.
Your well-being is worth every effort you invest. Stay determined, stay mindful, and most importantly, stay true to the amazing journey you’re embarking upon. Namaste!
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